That language is one of intellectual products of human culture is not questioned anymore. Language and culture are in close-complex interrelationship naturally used by human beings as a main tool of communication. For linguists, the phenomena of language-culture relations are interesting and challenging, as well. It is not surprising that in recent decades the studies on the interrelationship a…
Bibliografi : halaman 75This text book was written in order to accommodate students' need on the materials for Semantic subject at the University of Lampung Semantics is defined as the study of meaning in Language. This subject is aimed at equipping students with the knwoledge of meaning of word, sentence and text level. It is expected that students will gain better knowledge in word or sentenc…
Bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa yang diakui dunia sebagai bahasa Internasional. Sekarang ini minat belajar bahasa Inggris berkembang pesat dengan melihat gaya bahasa dalam berbagai media sosial. Kepercayaan diri dalam berbahasa Inggris akan meningkat ketika mampu memahami struktur kalimat dengan baik. Dalam buku ini, penulis mencoba memberikan pemahaman kepada para pembaca tentang fungsi utama …